Car Accident Massage

Massage therapy is an effective  treatment for whiplash and other injuries from a car accident.  Gentle, and non-invasive massage pressure helps treat your injuries by reducing inflammation, muslce spasms and relieving your pain.  Even a minor fender-bender can cause big issues like headaches, neck pain or insomnia, which massage therapy can treat.

The massage treatments are very gentle at first, until your body has created the scar tissue necessary for natural healing.  As your pain decreases and other symptoms subside, the massage pressure can increase.

Also, you car insurance will most likely pay for your massage therapy treatment!

If you have been in a car accident, try massage therapy as a gentle and effective way to have lasting, positive results.

Blue Car before car accident

What is Car Accident Massage?

Car Accident Massage is Therapeutic Massage designed especially for someone who has just suffered the impact of a car accident.  The focus of this treatment is on the neck, back and head, plus any areas of the body that may have been bruised.

Here are Some of the Symptoms Car Accident Massage Helps:

      • Headaches, many starting from the base of the skull
      • Neck pain or stiffness, some gets worse with neck motion-not better
      • Upper back pain
      • Lower back pain
      • Anxiety, depression, nervousness
      • Insomnia
      • Jaw pain
      • Shoulder pain, usually from where the seatbelt grabed your shoulder

If you are about to see a massage therapist after a car accident, just mention why you are contacting them, and where you are hurting or stiff.  They will know what to do. Communication is key.

These treatments start with light pressure and work with your tolerance for pressure after that.  Even when you may “say” that you are “fine” and can handle more pressure, often there is a disconnect after a car accident between what the mind thinks the body feels and how your body actually feels. 

Symptoms of Whiplash After a Car Accident

This is common after an auto accident, and is a symptom of whiplash, along with some other interesting symptoms listed here from

“Signs and symptoms of whiplash usually develop within days of the injury, and may include:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Worsening of pain with neck movement
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull
  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness

Some people also have:

  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Depression

See the entire article on Whiplash from here.

Will Insurance Pay for Massage After a Car Accident?

Did you know that in some cases, your car Insurance might pay for your massage treatments after you’ve been injured in a car accident?  

To make sure you can have your massage therapy paid for, simply call your insurance agent, the company you use directly or the adjuster and ask.  You want to know if massage therapy is covered after an injury from a car accident whether you are at fault or not, and what you would need to get the expenses covered.

In New Mexico, it is much easier to get approval for payment when you have a doctors prescription specifically for massage therapy.

Car insurance coverage is different from state to state.   Some states have a Personal Injury Protection rider you can add to your policy.  Some states don’t.

Coverage can also be dependent upon the severity of the accident and who was at fault. 

I’m not an insurance agent and don’t know all the details, so the best way to make sure if you and your family are covered for massage after a car accident is to simply check with your auto insurance agent or carrier to see if you have the coverage you need!

Many people are unaware of this possible benefit from their auto insurance. Why is Massage Therapy covered? Because massage takes the pain away, is cost effective, medication free and because Massage is the most requested treatment by auto insurance customers!

At Athletic Touch Therapeutic Massage in Albuquerque, I have worked on thousands of car accident injury victims who are happy and pain-free.  If your insurance company is being difficult or says they won’t pay anything or that you “really didn’t get hurt” but you are in pain anyway, it may be time to hire a personal injury lawyer.

Don’t give up! There are people who can help you.

In order to get started with massage after a car accident, at Athletic Touch Therapeutic Massage, or any massage office in the country, you will need to collect a few things.

What You Need to Get Massage Paid by Car Insurance:

      • A Claim Number, adjusters name & email, phone number
      • A Doctor’s Prescription for Massage

The best thing to do after your accident is to contact your insurance agent or company, let them know you are hurting and ask for their help.  Most carriers are good at getting you the information you need, and giving you clear steps to get your massage paid for.

When Should I Get a Massage After a Car Accident?

In my opinion, if you were in a fender-bender without major injuries, the best time to have a massage after a car accident is right away, or as soon as you can. But, there are several factors you should consider, to wait a week or 2 and let your body heal:

  • How severe was the accident?
  • Where are you hurt?
  • What types of injuries do you have?

If you don’t have major injuries, are not in the hospital over night, and don’t have any open skin abrasions, you can have massage very soon after your car accident.

As long as the massage therapy session is very gentle, using non-invasive modalities like very light massage, Core Synchronism or Cranial Sacral Therapy, coming in ASAP can help your body get back to normal quickly.

Even if it’s been a while since your car accident, massage can help relieve symptoms.  

You may need to wait a bit longer after a car accident to start massage therapy if you have open wounds, broken bones or intense bruising.  Wait for your body to heal for a few weeks before having a massage.

After a few weeks, even with more severe wounds, broken bones or bruising, we can still do massage on unaffected areas.  A nice foot or hand massage or scalp massage, for example, can really help you relax.

If you are in pain, not able to sleep or having symptoms causing you to be anxious, GET A MASSAGE! 

Tell your therapist that you were just in a car accident, you are not able to relax and just need some support.  They will know what to do. 

Please don’t suffer in silence after a car accident. Get a massage.

Many Massage Therapists across the world are trained to support trauma, so give a few therapists a call to interview them about their training. 

Read more here:  How to Find a Massage Therapist 

Best Massage Schedule After a Car Accident

After a car accident, the best schedule for your massage treatments will depend on how severe your car accident was.

The MAIN GOAL for massage therapy after a car accident is to get you OUT OF PAIN and back to living your “normal life” as soon as possible.

This may not seem possible at first.  But, have hope! 

That nagging neck pain, weird headache or odd depression you are feeling but have never experienced before is a SYMPTOM and NOT THE “NEW NORMAL”. 

We will create a plan for you to recover and feel better.

The first session after a car accident, if it is within 48 hours of the accident will be very light and relaxing.

The more you can communicate how you feel, the better.

Next, after the initial week or 2, come in 2 times per week for 4 weeks, once a week for 4 weeks, then once every 10 days for 4 sessions, and so on until you can leave our office and be pain-free for 3 weeks at a time.

Car Accident Massage Schedule

First 48 hours

  • 1-2 sessions in first 48 hours after car accident
  • 30-60 minutes each
  • Very Light Pressure
  • Non-invasive modalities

Homework: REST, hot packs, light movement

 Week 1-2:

  • 2 times per week for 1-4 weeks
  • 60 minutes each
  • Light to medium pressure
  • Non-Invasive modalities
  • More pressure or stretching as tolerated

Homework: Rest, hot packs, light movement into stretches, breath work

 Weeks 2-8:

  • 1 massage per week for 1-4 weeks
  • 60 minutes
  • Medium pressure
  • Therapeutic Massage modality as tolerated
  • Stretching as tolerated

Homework: Rest, hot/cold packs, stretching & movement, breath work, exercises

Weeks 4-8+:

  • 1 massage every week, then every 10 days, 14 days, etc until you can go 6 weeks without pain.
  • 60 minutes
  • Medium to deep pressure
  • Therapeutic Massage modality as tolerated
  • Stretching as tolerated

Homework: Rest, hot/cold packs, stretching & movement, breath work, exercises


Man's face showing a painful headache, scrunched forehead, after a car accident, in black and white

What to do after a car accident to have massage covered by auto insurance:

(try to check with your car insurance agent or carrier BEFORE to know if you are covered for massage therapy)

  • Contact your insurance Agent/Carrier
  • See a Doctor & ask for prescription for massage therapy
  • Get a Claim Number, adjuster name & number, email address for your massage therapist to be able to file your bills
  • Bring all that info to your first massage 

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Articles on Whiplash & Car Accident Injuries:


By staff writers for

Restoring Your Health with Massage Therapy After a Car Accident

By Dr. Brent Wells for


By Hope Bentley for

Did you know?

88% of consumers surveyed believe that massage can be effective in reducing pain

AMTA Consumer Survey Fact Sheet, read more…

Benefits of Massage:

  • Improves local circulation
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Relieves insomnia
  • Promotes positive mood
  • Relieves anxiety and depression
  • Maintains flexibility
  • Reduces pain
  • Assists in eliminating wastes
  • Maintains healthy skin
  • Improves nutrient supply to body
  • Relieves stiff joints
  • More…


25 Reasons to Get a Massage

From American Massage Therapy Association website

25 Reasons to Get a Massage

    1. Relieve stress
    2. Relieve postoperative pain
    3. Reduce anxiety
    4. Manage low-back pain
    5. Help fibromyalgia pain
    6. Reduce muscle tension
    7. Enhance exercise performance
    8. Relieve tension headaches
    9. Sleep better
    10. Ease symptoms of depression
    11. Improve cardiovascular health
    12. Reduce pain of osteoarthritis
    13. Decrease stress in cancer patients
    14. Improve balance in older adults
    15. Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain
    16. Temper effects of dementia
    17. Promote relaxation
    18. Lower blood pressure
    19. Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    20. Help chronic neck pain
    21. Lower joint replacement pain
    22. Increase range of motion
    23. Decrease migraine frequency
    24. Improve quality of life in hospice care
    25. Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea”